When I was a child I was fond of reading criminal stories and detectives. My father had an extensive library of e-books by Agatha Christie and I read all of them many times. It was a long time ago and many of the plotlines vanished from my memory, although there's one I remember very well and the one I keep returning to every once in while.
In 1925, Christie published a short novel in The Blue Book Magazine called "The Missing Will". It's indeed quite short and you can familarise yourself with it here. The story begins with a young lady asking Poirot to investigate the case. Her uncle dies, and since he was sceptical about the women education, he leaves the last will saying that unless his niece proves 'her wits' his property and all the money will go to charity. The woman hires Poirot, who (of course) solves the mystery, finding another 2nd will written in invisible ink. And at the end Hastings and Poirot have an argument:
Poirot: “As far as I know, there is no law against writing your will in a blend of
disappearing and sympathetic ink. The intention of the testator is clear,
and the beneficiary is his only living relation. But the cleverness of him!
He foresaw every step that a searcher would take, that I, miserable imbecile,
took! He gets two will-forms, makes the servants sign twice, then sallies out
with his will written on the inside of a dirty envelope, and a fountain pen
containing his little ink-mixture. On some excuse he gets the confectioner and
his wife to sign their names under his own signature; then he ties it to the key
of his desk and chuckles to himself. If his niece sees through his little ruse,
she will have justified her choice of life and elaborate education and be
thoroughly welcome to his money.”
“She didn’t see through it, did she?” I said slowly. “It seems rather unfair.
The old man really won.”
“But no, Hastings! It is your wits that go astray. Miss Marsh proved the astuteness
of her wits and the value of the higher education for women by at once putting
the matter in my hands. Always employ the expert! She has amply proved her right
to the money.”
And that thought resonates soo well in my mind. The right person might solve the problem 50x time faster than you, sometimes all it takes is to ask for help. Being professional doesn't always mean 'being able to solve all the problems', sometimes it's 'being able to solve the problems as fast as possible using the available tools and people'.
I remember Tony Fadell in 'Build' said that "be CTO/Tech lead is not about being the best engineer in the company/team", which makes sense. It's about being able to manage resources you possess in the best possible way, which often are teams and people around you.